Alexandria: aprendendo fazendo

10 Oct 2013 entrepreneurship

Quantas vezes você já sentiu que deveria fazer algo, mas não fez? Quantas vezes você quis tanto algo, mas, por medo ou receio, desistiu?

Um padrão muito interessante - e que eu venho notando há algum tempo - é o quão constantemente estamos pedindo aprovação para qualquer ato que cometemos. Seja ele através de um like, de um retweet ou de... read more →

Lessons after 45 days of travel

30 Sep 2013 life

I was thinking about posting this, but I didn't have the guts to do it until now. The problem is that I'm always too reluctant to state my opinions. Not because my opinions are wrong or 'cause people will think that they are crazy. The thing is that I'm not comfortable stating them. Most of the time I'd state them... read more →

Back to writing

29 Sep 2013 blog

Ha! I'm returning all the things I loved to their proper place. Once upon a time, I wrote a book (probably it's in a box right now), a lot of short stories (you can see one here) and guess what? I used to be a sketch artist. Of course I'm not going to restore all of my past... read more →